How to Get Shredded for the Summer in 21 Days

how to get shredded for summer in 21 daysYou need to win the battle.
The easiest way to approach being lean and shredded during the summer is to attack it for a short period of time with everything you’ve got.


Once you’ve reached your goal, the rest of the summer should be geared towards maintaining it.  This will allow you to cheat for one or two meals on the weekend, and have a few drinks while watching the sun set.

The hardest part is the battle.  Win the battle quickly, and you are golden.

Strategies to Win the Battle

  • Lift weights in order to build muscle, lose fat, and get stronger at least 3 times per week (I’ll show you what I mean by this below.)
  • Do SHIIT (super high intensity interval training) 1-2 times per week.
  • Do a 24 hour fast once per week.
  • Carb cycle.
  • The ??? Strategy (You’ll find out more about this later).

Combine this and you have a recipe to take over the world.

A Sample Lifting Day Taken From My 21 Day Body Recomp Program

Strength Movement





1: Barbell Bench Press 5 5 90 seconds


Fat Loss Tri-set 1





2A: Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 3 8 (each leg) 45 seconds
2B: Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 8 45 seconds
2C: Burpees 3 Perform for 30 seconds 60 seconds


Fat Loss Tri-set 2





3A: Goblet Squat 3 8 45 seconds
3B: Chinups 3 8 45 seconds
3C: Mountain Climbers 3 Perform for 30 seconds 60 seconds


Muscle Building Specialization:  Chest





4A: Dumbbell Bench Press 2 8 10 seconds
4B: Incline Bench Press 2 8 10 seconds
4C: Pushups 2 16 120 seconds


The whole strategy behind this is to:

  1. Keep your strength up while dieting.
  2. Lose fat by lifting weights.
  3. Build muscle in order to lower your body fat percentage.

The ??? Strategy

Time for the ??? Strategy.  It involves skipping breakfast (intermittent fasting).

Every day, you’re going to stop eating breakfast.  Before you discount this idea and tell me that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.  It’s not.

Tell me what you had for breakfast.

I’m guessing that there’s a 50/50 chance that you ate like crap this morning.  It’s easier just to cut out the breakfast.

On top of this, research shows [1] that fasting increases growth hormone.  Growth hormone helps to keep you lean (makes it easier to lose fat).

It’s cool to try all of this stuff, but you need to do it properly.  No cutting corners.

If you are interested in learning more about staying leaner by skipping breakfast, as well as getting shredded in only 21 days, then enter you name and email here and I’ll send you more info via email.


Ho, K. Y., J. D. Veldhuis, M. L. Johnson, R. Furlanetto, W. S. Evans, K. G. Alberti, and M. O. Thorner. “Fasting Enhances Growth Hormone Secretion and Amplifies the Complex Rhythms of Growth Hormone Secretion in Man.” Journal of Clinical Investigation 81.4 (1988): 968-75.
