The NYC Food Marathon

how to build muscleMission Debriefing

Time: Last weekend

Location: NYC

Goal: Eat as many tasty foods at possible, all over New York City

This was past weekend, I took a much needed holiday to New York and decided to spend it stuffing my face with delicious treats.

Screw diet.

Screw worrying about getting fat.

This was pure pleasure.

Last month, when my girlfriend, Cassie, and I booked this trip, we had no idea how we’d spend the weekend.  That is, until we opened Tim Ferriss’ The 4 Hour Chef.

how to build muscle

Tim Ferriss single-handedly planned our whole trip for us; even if he doesn’t know it.  In his book, he surveyed 100 of the top chefs in NYC and asked them “what would be the last thing you’d eat before you die?”

From the answers, he compiled a list of the top restaurants to visit, and what to order.

Challenge accepted.

Not only was this a fantastic way to eat amazing food, it was also perfect for seeing all of Manhattan.

From the list, Cassie – being the fantastic graphics designer that she is – made a map of Manhattan with all of our food and site-seeing attractions.

This was our secret weapon.

nyc food marathon

Our secret weapon.

Day 1

Our flight landed at 8am.  It was too early to be considered a day flight, but too late to be the red eye.

After checking in to our hotel, we walked around to see the city.  It was both mine and Cassie’s first time in NYC, so this was an adventure in itself.

Our first visit was Mid City Gym around the corner from our hotel.

Of course the gym was our first visit.

We looked into get day passes for later that week.  Even though I knew we’d probably walk a marathon over the course of the weekend, it’s still not the same as getting my pump on.

The first New Yorker that we talked to was working the front desk of Mid City Gym.  His name was Felix and during our tour of the gym, I realized he was a mixture of Joey Tribianni from Friends and a very nice and unintimidating version of Sylvester Stallone.

After the tour, I knew that this place would be my second home for the weekend.

From there, we stopped and ate at pretty much every great food place we saw or had on our list to visit.  By the end of the day, I had eaten almond croissants, the saltiest bagel I’ve ever tasted in my life, a coconut cream doughnut, a carrot cake doughnut, some weird cream filled Italian bun/doughnut, bass in mushroom sauce, and the best damn gnocchi I’ve ever tasted.

The latter two dishes were eaten at Hearth.  In the 4 Hour Chef, Tim Ferriss alluded to Hearth being the most underrated restaurant in New York, and for good reason.

Hearth was the highlight of the trip, but it wasn’t just from the gnocchi.

As Cassie and I finished ordering cheese cake made from goat cheese and fior di latte ice cream, I took a big swig of my ice water.

All the carbs were making me thirsty.

I looked over into Cassie’s eyes.  Her expression was as if she had just seen a ghost.

“Jason, Timothy Ferriss just walked in.”

I turned around and saw my travel agent for NYC, Tim Ferriss.

The chef of Hearth, Marco Canora came over and gave Tim a huge hug.  They were both all smiles, and looked like old buddies reuniting after a very long time.  Marco then proceeded to take the order for Tim’s table.

After the table was calm, I walked over.

“Hey Tim, are you eating slow carb tonight?”

“No man, it’s a cheat meal.”

I then pulled out my secret weapon: the map that Cassie made.

“No way, you’re doing my food marathon?!”

Tim then called over the chef, “Hey Marco, look what their doing.”

“People actually listen you?!”

After a bit of conversation, Tim took our picture with Marco and the NYC food map.

NYC Food Marathon

Tim and Marco at the table next to us.

Days 2 and 3

After getting into Mid City Gym for a fantastic back workout (Felix hooked Cassie and I up with some amazing shakes), the rest of the weekend was spent doing more site seeing and eating.

From seeing the city, I’ve noticed 3 things about NYC:

  • They go absolutely crazy over Halloween.
  • They J-walk like crazy.
  • You’ve seen all of NYC before, but it was solely in movies and TV shows.

If you live in New York, then you already know this.

Some of my favourite meals for the rest of the weekend included: a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon, mezcal cured salmon, hot apple cider, veal and ricotta meatballs, south Brooklyn pizza, everything at Momofuku Milk, spicy Korean pork tacos, and a peanut butter stuffed chocolate cupcake.

How Fat I Got

This subtitle is deceiving since I actually only gained 4lbs during the whole trip.  By the end of the week, I was back to normal and my body fat percentage only increased from 12.2% to 12.4%.

Not a significant amount considering the circumstances.

Luckily, I have the training and nutrition knowledge to beat planned binges and not get fat.  I teach my clients this in my online coaching program (which I recommend you join by clicking here).

how to build muscle

Using the ultrasound to test my bodyfat percentage.

Each week I measure my bodyfat using the Bodymetrix Ultrasound Wand, so it’s a saviour knowing that I didn’t blow up to 20% body fat.

In the End

In the end, the trip to NYC was fantastic.  It’s definitely a city to visit before you die, especially if you know you’ll be stuffing your face with delicious foods.

If you’re in Manhattan, you need to order a Manhattan in a speak easy bar.

It might be the last Manhattan you ever order.
