What did you hear at the top of the stairs?

Remember when you were little, and your bed time was 8pm?  What would you do as soon as you were tucked in?  You would sneak out of bed and listen to what the grown-ups were talking about downstairs.  I remember myself and my sister doing this every time we stayed at my grandparents’ house.  We had the perfect spot for spying.  It was great.

I know that you’ve done it.  We’ve all done it.  Surprisingly, whatever the heck we heard the grown-ups talking about way-back-when directly affects our values and beliefs as adults.  When you sleep on an idea, it becomes engrained in our unconscious minds forever.

The Conversation

In most cases, the conversation you eavesdropped had to do with one of two things: money, or physical health and appearance.  Within these topics, the grown-ups would either focus on small useless things, or big, awesome things.  I’ll explain.

The Small Things

The small things would be things like the cost of gas, the cost of milk, “should we be eating this food?”, “how many calories do you think is in this?”; you know, those kind of things.

The Big Things

The big things would be topics such as, “I read this book and it’s going to change our lives”, “I’ve been doing this workout program and am seeing incredible results”, and “our lives are so happy and healthy”.

What does this have to do with looking GREAT NAKED?

Sadly, if our folks focused the topic of conversation on the small things, then our minds are most likely grooved to constantly focus on the small things.  If they focused on the big things, then chances are that you are more successful in health and fitness than the average person.

If we are constantly focusing on dumb, small things, then we are stressing ourselves out, and wasting valuable time that could be used towards exercising, preparing meals, and enjoying time outside in the sun.

If you eliminate all the small dumb things in your life, you can focus on the big things like:  doing a 12-week exercise program, getting more sleep at night, losing fat and gaining muscle, getting rid of junk food in your house and replacing it with fresh unprocessed foods.  Focusing on big things allows you to achieve big things.  (Probably the most logical, yet practical thing I’ve ever written).

Who cares what the price of gas is?  You will have to buy it anyways.  Who cares how many calories are in that delicious apple you’re eating?  It’s unprocessed.

When you set out to change your health and your appearance, you are changing your lifestyle.  Lifestyle changes involve destroying the thoughts of all the small things (Blink 182 pun intended).  When you make a goal, you need to make some decisions up front (should I go organic?, what workout program should I do?, etc), then you need to keep that goal in mind (which is the big thing) whenever the small things want to hack your brain.

Don’t complain about the fat around your stomach.  Don’t complain about how eating healthy costs more (it’s actually cheaper).  These are small things.

Focus on how you’re going to lose your fat, and gain your muscle.  Focus on how you’re going to get to bed on time tonight.  Focus on when you will go grocery shopping this week.  Focus on when you are going to go to the gym this week.  Focus on the exact thing you want to accomplish.  Create a Pinterest board if you need to.  Here are some good starting points (click the Pin It button at the bottom of this post):

Focus on the BIG things from now on.  Let me know how it goes.
