Unleash Your Testosterone With These 4 Training Methods

When you grasp that cold iron barbell, what’s the goal? Getting competition shredded? Getting jacked? Boosting testosterone?   If you train with the goal of boosting testosterone, you would be accomplishing most of these goals simultaneously…And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The obvious benefits of increased muscle mass, strength, sex drive and athletic…

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4 Keys to Unlocking Lat Growth

In gyms all around the globe you will hear, “How much do you bench bro?” Or there will be guys bragging about how much they can squat. Or there will be the guys who are tensing their biceps so hard that they nearly pop a blood vessel. But you never really hear people talking about…

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muscle building supplements

3 Muscle Building Supplements You Need to be Taking

The world is saturated with men and women who would love to be able to build lean muscle while slimming down. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles that can get in the way and put an immediate halt to your fitness goals. Aside from remaining consistent and dedicated to the cause, you’ll also want to make…

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Achieving Chest Hypertrophy: Moving Beyond the Barbell Bench

The traditional barbell bench press is not the panacea for chest training that many believe it to be. The efficacy of the traditional barbell bench when it comes to developing an impressive chest, and equally matched physique, is a subject that’s been beaten to death more times than I care to consider. But, none those…

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Building Muscle: What Actually Matters

Type in “how to build muscle” on Google and you’ll get nearly five million results. It’s no wonder skinny guys everywhere are so confused as to what actually matters for putting on size, and what doesn’t. You’ll read an article one day telling you to eat 300 grams of protein per day to add muscle…

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