Kettlebells for Muscle

Kettlebell workouts are primarily full-body in nature – they hit all of your major muscle groups in a single session. This is great for fat loss, conditioning, and improving overall athleticism – but let’s face it, if your #1 goal is to gain muscle, a body part split is the way to go. Kettlebells can…

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Nutrition for the Lagging Body Part: Step 3 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass

This is the third and final part in the article series.  Here are the first two parts: (J)Max Aesthetics: Step 1 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass The Workouts: Step 3 for Perfect Proportions and Optimal Muscle Mass You may be scratching your head after reading this title.  Is it possible to bring up…

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Overtraining is Overrated

It’s not true what they say. “Don’t train too hard or you’ll become overtrained.” “Train your legs no more than once a week because you’ll become overtrained.” “Never workout two days in a row or else you’ll become overtrained.”   Want to know the real secret?  Even if you try, you will probably never become…

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Build More Muscle: Superhuman Strength in 5 Minutes

You can’t build muscle without strength.  Any guy dancing around with pink dumbbells is evidence of this. But, if you want to build more muscle, then you will need more strength.  After all, muscles need tension (very hard contractions) to grow.  Being stronger means lifting a heavier weights.  Lifting a heavier weights translates into more…

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The Truth About How to Get Ripped: Outcome-Based Decision Making

We all love secrets. You may remember telling your first one.  When I was 6 years old, I shared my most intimate secret to my friends on the school yard: my confession for my one true love.  At the moment that the secret left my lips, there was a rush of adrenaline shooting up my…

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