What I’ve Been Doing Lately…

Nutrition Eating approximately 300 grams of protein per day. Eating my first meal of the day around 1-2pm. Drinking as much water as I can handle in the morning. Consuming 120 grams of carbs, 60 grams of protein, 30 grams of BCAA’s, 5 grams of creatine, 6.4 grams of Beta Alanine peri-workout Eating for Muscle…

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Get Rid of Your (head)Aches by Fixing Your Posture

Got headaches?  Welcome to the 21st century.  It’s the new thing.  Luckily, 9/10 times, these headaches can be rid of by fixing your posture. Thanks to computers, TV, video games, driving, and all the other cool technology, our posture is shot.  Walk down the street and you’ll see what I mean.  People will have their…

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How to Cheat Your Way Through Thankgiving

DEBRIEFING:  I have a mission for you.  Follow the steps in this article, and you will have stuffed your face at Thanksgiving, enjoyed your meal to its fullest, and gained no fat in the process (potentially even losing some). Some of the steps might be tough, seem counterintuitive, or even strange.  Trust me.  I’m on…

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The Journey

We are all taking part in one right now.  Some of us are trying to lose some fat, while others are gaining muscle.  Some of us are trying to get stronger, while others are training to run further.  We all set goals, but what is better:  the process leading up to reaching our goals, or…

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Eating For Muscle Gain

Let’s face it, we all want to get big, buff, ripped, yoked, (insert synonym here), etc.  Most guys go to the gym, lift weights, see marginal progress (if that), then get discouraged because they’re not getting ripped.  This means that they are doing one (or both) of these things:  not lifting heavy things, not eating…

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