why are gymnasts so ripped

Why Are Gymnasts So Ripped?

In case you haven’t noticed, the Olympics are on every single TV channel. Each night, my girlfriend, my roommate, and myself all chill out and watch the coverage for a few hours.  Coverage in Canada is a lot different than other countries. Obviously, the events where Canadians are doing well will have top priority.  Besides…

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how to look ripped like an athlete

How to Look Ripped Like an Athlete Without Being One

The following article is a guest post from David Leyland. I actually met David a few weeks back at Jon Goodman’s Personal Training Seminar.  David’s a smart dude and you should listen to what he has to say.  Add him on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/david.leyland.1 and check out his website here: http://daveleyland.com/ Professional athletes are ripped. …

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how to get bigger legs

How to Get Bigger Legs

Pure pain.  That’s the answer. If you know me, you know that I’m the opposite of “chicken legs”.  While part of it may be genetics, I want to tell you something:  I know what makes legs grow. First of all, I’m going to tell you my theory as to why some people genetically have chicken…

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Tough Mudder Training

People are crazy.  People are intense.  People are wild.  That’s why we have races like Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, and other various mud runs. I know a bunch of people who have entered Mud Runs, but when I ask them what they are doing with their training, 90% of them said they were doing long distance…

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5 Hardcore Cardio Methods That Will Burn Fat and Get You Strong

The following is a guest post by the one and only, Travis Stoetzel from TravisStoetzel.com and Facebook.com/HardcoreStrength. I want you to know that 99% of Travis’ philosophy agrees with the JMax Fitness philosophy. Enjoy. What up Kids?  Travis here. I think by now if you’re following J’s blog then you know that running on a…

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