Fast Fat Loss Part II – Exercise

Summer’s getting closer and it seems like this article is just in time.  This past week, I’ve been outside every day and it has absolutely rocked. In Part I of this series, I wrote about eating for fat loss.  In this article, we’ll actually break a sweat and talk about exercise.     The Most…

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How to Lose Fat While on the Road

Over the weekend, my friend Zac asked me this question: “Here’s a challenge for you.  I’ve asked for a program from my buddy who trains a lot and he couldn’t do it.  I live on the road 5 days a week.  All I can use to workout at hotels is dumbbells and a treadmill (what…

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Intro to Carb Cycling

Carb cycling is one of my favourite ways to lose fat and keep muscle, or to build muscle with minimal fat gain.  Basically, the whole idea of it is to eat more carbs on the days that you lift weights, and less (sometimes zero) carbs on days that you don’t lift weights.  Below, I will…

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How to Get Shredded For Summer

This week marks the start of March.  That leaves you with three solid months before June 1st.  Now, on the calendar, it may not say it’s summer yet, but chances are that sometime during June, your shirt will be off.  If you start getting ready for this now, then the process will be a lot…

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Complexes: Lose Fat and Gain Explosiveness at the Same Time

No, not barbell complexes, but complexes. The Russians had it right.  Litvinov had it right.  The weightlifters had it right.  Finally, we are starting to get it right.  Although, the former were using it to get their athletes more explosive, the latter can use it to lose fat, and get more explosive in the process.…

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