A Look Into Bodybuilding

If you know me, you’d never thought that I would have written this. It’s kind of funny though, because in the past year, I’ve come full circle on my views of building muscle and bodybuilding. If you asked me a year ago what to do to build muscle, I would tell you to only doing…

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Dark Knight Workout

Last year, Batman’s workout was released.  It ended up being crazy ridiculous and deemed damn near impossible.  For reference, here’s the workout below:   As I said: damn near impossible.  Some days he works out for like 4 hours.  Add in the 20 mile runs, heavy ass deadlifts, Olympic lifts, and fighting crime, then you…

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The Secrets of the Skinny Fat (Part II)

Yesterday I talked about the problem with being skinny fat.  If you missed it, you can check it out here: The Secrets of the Skinny Fat (Part I) We’ve covered that the Skinny Fat try to eat every 2-3 hours, and do a bunch of cardio and situps.  Since that doesn’t work, then what does?…

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Gaining Muscle Without the Fat

Oh, it can be done.  It’s a long, slow, process, but very worth it in the end.  The old ideas of bulking and cutting are kind of counterintuitive (except a month of Decembulk didn’t hurt anyone).  You eat a ton of food for 8 months.  You get fat.  You diet for a few months, you…

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The Avengers Workout

After seeing the Avengers this past weekend, I knew that I had to create a workout based on the movie.  Everyone loves superheros.  How cool would it be to have a special power?  While having a special power is impossible (unless you are incredibly good looking), we can at least build a powerful awesome physique.…

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