delts - JMax Fitness

The Only Article You’ll Need to Read to Build Cannonball Delts

Boulders, Caps, Deltasaurus Rex, Dana Linn Bailey. Whatever you choose to call the set of muscles that stand guard on either side of your head, there’s one thing they all have in common. They’re all synonyms for arguably one of the most beautiful body parts humans possess (when well-developed, that is). Your delts, when well-developed,…

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maximize muscle - jmax fitness

How to Use Cardio to Maximize Your Muscle – The Essential Guide

What are the first thoughts through your head when I say you NEED some low-intensity cardio to maximize your strength performance? You probably think I am the devil, an idiot, or both. You do not want to hear that because like almost all people you despise cardio. You just want to lift some heavy weights.…

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5 secrets successful fat loss

5 Secrets to Successful Fat Loss

Chances are you’re reading this because you’re not happy with your body right now and you want to work towards a change. Let me tell you where you’re at right now is NOT the result of just one “bad” meal or a missed workout. I don’t care what your Instagram caption says, you did not…

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body eating type

The Bodybuilder’s Definitive Guide to Eating for Your Body Type

I strongly stand behind the statement that everybody is different. Training and eating for your body type is no exception. There is no magic rule, diet plan, or workout program that will work for everyone. Science backs me up on this. Fortunately you can use said science to learn how to eat and train for…

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low volume training- JMax Fitness

Low Volume Muscle Building: The Key to Explosive Muscle Growth?

Is low-volume, high-intensity muscle building the key to explosive muscle growth? So you want to build muscle? Are you doing it in the fastest, most efficient way possible? Learn the fastest and most efficient way to build muscle. Click To Tweet Over the years countless folks have claimed to know the path to the fastest…

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