Is Intermittent Fasting the Magic Bullet?

In the next 600 words, I will burst your bubble. What if I told you that your eating plan sucks and people think it resembles one that of a 6 year old girl?  Sometimes the truth hurts. Houston, we have a problem, and it’s got to do with what most people think works.  They think…

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The Secrets of the Skinny Fat (Part II)

Yesterday I talked about the problem with being skinny fat.  If you missed it, you can check it out here: The Secrets of the Skinny Fat (Part I) We’ve covered that the Skinny Fat try to eat every 2-3 hours, and do a bunch of cardio and situps.  Since that doesn’t work, then what does?…

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The Secrets of the Skinny Fat (Part I)

No.  This isn’t meant to be an oxymoron.  No, I’m not  a moron.  Skinny Fat is a real thing.  It’s like a syndrome. It’s happening every day.  90% of people I see on the street have “skinny fat syndrome”. You know what I’m talking about:  guys walking around with scrawny arms, a little too much…

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How to Use Creatine

The purpose of this article isn’t to prove to you that creatine’s safe.  That’s been done before with study after study after study. No, today is all about using creatine to get the best bang for your buck. Creatine’s Purpose Creatine does three things that you need to know:

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Paleo Smaleo

Paleo… what’s the big deal?  Lately, we’ve been hearing people recommend eating like a caveman.  Is this all a bunch of B.S., or is there some merit in its thinking? Well, I have some news for you: everyone should do it for at least 30 days.  It works.  It’s awesome.  But it’s not for everyone. …

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